Possible risks and profits to be made can always be predicted if traders would only have more accurate Forex forecast to base their trade and decisions upon. Forex forecasts are only one way of keeping up with the volatile Forex market. Success will depend the most in knowing what and who will affect the rate changes.

The Forex market has already been through a lot of ups and downs that even fortune tellers would have difficulty guessing what will be its next movement. Making a Forex forecast can be helpful but can also be too risky. Besides, doing it is not that easy also.

In Forex forecasts, nothing specific is given. The traders are not made to hope high and expect more. If you have seen or heard a Forex forecast, be sure to check on some projected rate fluctuations whenever and wherever possible so you would have an idea it the Forex forecast shows a likely possibility to be true or not.

Staying in touch and up-to-date with the latest news and happenings around the globe and information about the Forex currency can help traders determine when is the best time to buy, sell and stay away from a particular market. All these things are important in the performance of your trade. Take note of some Forex forecasts if only to serve as guide whenever you are in a situation that you find hard to make a decision upon.

How can one benefit from Forex forecasts?

There are some companies that are offering Forex forecast information as a subscription that traders can avail of. For those who do not have enough patience and browse for information in the internet, this Forex forecast information would be their alternative.

No one said that there is a 100% accuracy in these Forex forecasts. And no one told traders that they should also believe them 100%. If you want to have more degree of accuracy in the Forex forecast, you could always find one with the most accurate percentage rate.

You could look for something or someone that offers free information or a trail period for you to test the degree of their ability to give accurate forecast about the Forex market. There are also some sites that send out Forex forecast to emails that you may want to try out just so you will choice to choose from if you decide to avail the services of some of them.

Relying only on one Forex forecast is not the thing to do. You should at least have some more choices in the process of making an investment decision. Try to get more Forex forecast from sources that are rampant online and offline so you would not stick to just one.

The thing to remember is that your investments are your future and you have already worked too hard to just let it all down the drain. Do not put the future of your Forex trade into the hands of only person. Try to get several Forex forecast and choose the best one that you think has great ounces of accuracy up their sleeves.

Before putting the future of your investments into the hands of those offering Forex forecasts, make it a point to check out the latest that is happening in the Forex trading and see if the trend is likely to go with what the predictions are telling about.

If you think more about it, people doing Forex forecasts would not be out there giving bad forecasts because their reputation is the one at stake there. They surely would not want to ruin the image they have by giving false predictions about things that they know people will listen to, would they?

Like they say, traders should not believe all that is written in Forex forecasts. Some but not all. There are still decisions to be made that will be based upon the trader itself and no amount or accuracy of Forex forecasts can make that decision for them.

Just to be on the right side of things, always make sure and do your own research that will back up the Forex forecast you actually think is going to work. You never know what it will lead to...

by Kevin Anderson

Among one of the important concepts a new forex trader should know is what a Moving Average means, how it's calculated and what its use as a trading indicator is.

Moving Average is defined as a technical indicator that shows the average value of a particular currency pair over a previously determined amount of time. This means, for example, that prices are averaged over 20 or 50 days, or 10 and 50 min depending on the time frame you are using at the moment of your trading activity.

As an averaged quantity, MA's can bee seen as a smoothed representation of the current market activity and an indicator of the major trend influencing the market behavior.

The basic mechanics of how Moving Averages can tell you where the forex market is moving (up or down), at the moment of your analysis is by considering two different time frame Moving Averages and plotting them on the forex chart. It is very important that one of these MA is over a shorter time period than the other one; let's say one will be over a 15 days period and the other over a 50 days period. Most trading station software available by a number of brokers will let you do this plotting and much more.

Recently there has been the realese of a new forex trading system called "The 5 EMAs FOREX SYSTEM". This system will allow you to identify both entry and exit points with incredible accuracy. He even claims you can convert $1000 into $1000 000 in just 24 months. He may be exaggerating a bit on this, but his plan of action and use of moving averages is quite outstanding and accurate.

Depending upon the exit strategy selected, the system generates monthly returns of between 30% and 55%. Which is more tha enough to make a living trading the forex markets with the 5 EMAs Forex System.

by Adrian Pablo

1. Introductions

Today, using information and trading platforms has become a de facto requirement for successful trading in the financial markets. Their advantages as compared to conventional trading schemes include, for example, an unprecedented speed of processing and delivery of information to end users, the level of integration with data providers, and a wide array of built-in technical analysis instruments.

At the same time, an investor opening an account with a brokerage firm simply cannot simultaneously manage the real-time analysis and trade in more than 4-6 financial instruments in several markets 24 hours 7 days a week. This brings about the need to employ automatic trading systems in the form of runtime environment with client and server parts and the programs to control these systems (scripts).

2. Comparative Analysis of the Problem Area

Various software components embrace the entire target sector of the market-from analytics and forecasting to complex trade and administration. The components of a trading platform provide its clients-brokers, dealers, traders, financial analysts and advisors-just the service they need at the very moment they need it, from immediate round-the-clock access to information of concern by means of mobile devices, to multi-move trading operations in the major client terminal.

The software market offers a great many of information and trading platforms that differ, first of all, in the functionality of the client and server parts, and the list of services provided by the financial company once an account has been opened. However, only a relatively small number of software solutions include the components that automate trading.

2.1. MetaTrader4-based Solutions

One of the world's most widely used trade platform products is apparently MetaTrader4, developed by MetaQuotes Software Corporat?on for Forex market trading. The platform includes an integrated development environment (IDE) MetaEd?tor, intended for writing scripts in a programming language called MetaQuotes Language, or MQL4 for short. The language's syntax is based on the classic C language syntax, and the flow logic has not been significantly changed since the previous version of the platform that used MQL II as the programming language. The new automated trade framework is, undoubtedly, an evolution of the previous one. Both languages feature good functionality, with an optimum set of built-in trading and utility functions which is quite sufficient to implement the basic operations, and a facility to define custom functions to help implement non-standard ideas.

From the programming point of view, MQL4 is much more convenient that its predecessor; this language is more oriented at professional programmers, while MQL II, in my opinion, will rather suit financial experts wishing to build trading programs (or trading advisors, in the MetaQuotes terminology) of their own.

2.2. Omega Research-based Solutions

In the New World, the vast majority of companies use the Omega Research platform developed by TradeStation Securities, Inc. This platform has long ago proven its worth at the worldwide market, and to date experts consider it to be the best system for technical analysis. The provided IDE called Omega Research PowerEditor is intended to create control programs in EasyLanguage (EL).

The language's major advantage that strikes the eye is the easiness (hence is the name) of placing opening and closing orders. The corresponding program instructions can be written such as if we were formulating an order to our broker in the plain human language. In MQL4, for example, placing an order to open a position would involve specifying about a dozen of various parameters. In EasyLanguage, the same can be expressed in a short statement using a few words. Working with technical indicators is about that simple, too. But don't fall under an illusion: when creating these simple commands, language developers sacrificed the functionality and limited the possible ways of using a particular function, therefore effectively depriving the IDE users of the opportunity to accurately implement their own algorithms.

TradeStation decided not to create extensive libraries of built-in trading and utility functions but to limit to only an essential set. As the platform advanced, the number of functions written by both in-house and third-party developers grew, and TradeStation simply included them as user-defined functions into the repository of its scripts. As a result, the functionality offered to users is not in the least scarcer than that of MetaQuotes product.

PowerEditor provides a built-in dictionary that lets user search and get help on the available functions. Another handy tool worth mentioning is the strategy builder. Using the strategy builder, the user can easily create a basic algorithm for his or her trading program, and then modify and adjust it as necessary.

EasyLanguage is an old-timer and pioneer in the field of creating automated trading systems for the stock market. It was the basis for the development of MQL II. EasyLanguage will be a good choice for programmers, but still a better one for financial experts more oriented at analyzing the market than trading.

2.3. ProTrader-based Solutions

Professional financial experts can choose the ProTrader2 or ProTraderFX platform as their working tool, depending on the type of the financial market-stock or Forex, respectively. The two platforms are developed and supported by PFSoft LLC. While featuring the specially developed ProTrader Language (PTL), the provided IDE named PTL Builder offers also the opportunity to create scripts in MQLII, MQL4 and EasyLanguage. For this, the text of the program is translated to a language-independent code. Therefore, at runtime it does not matter in which language the script was written. This technology does not only enable creating new scripts, but makes it possible to use freely the entire accumulated collection of scripts that many experienced traders possess.

The main idea put into the new scripting language was to ensure maximum reliability and predictability of the scripts being run. The PTL language is built so as to minimize the possibility of making a mistake in the text of a user's script-the potentially dangerous points will be detected even before the script is tested or launched.

Regardless of the programming language chosen, the platform works with verified managed code while running the script. This Microsoft-developed technology enables proper handling of errors that cannot be detected before the script is run. This means the program will not fail and will not perform any unwanted operations that might be due to critical errors or damage caused by another program, for which the account holder would eventually have to pay.

The PTL Builder IDE will serve well both financial experts and programmers thanks to its support of different programming languages and provided tools such as tester and debugger.

2.4. Solution Comparison

The above IDEs have their specific feature sets. The table below provides a summary comparison of the capabilities offered by each.

3. Approaches for Creating Automated Trading Systems and Recommendations for Using Them

It hardly needs mentioning that choosing an information and trading platform should be taken with all seriousness. For those who plan to use an automated trading system in their business, below are some points I would recommend considering, based on my personal experience.

3.1. Choosing a Working Environment

First of all, define the type of tasks the automated trading system is to perform. These could be:

Actual trading: opening and closing positions in selected instrument(s).

Secondary support-type functions. These could include placing protective orders, creating and sending out reports of notifications.

Analyzing the market with different technical analysis tools using your own algorithm.

Now, after you have studied user comments on the Internet and perhaps consulted your broker, proceed to getting the feel of the products offered. I strongly encourage you not to just have a cursory look, but to test the system for a day of two, thankfully, most of the large companies will let you sign up for a demo account for testing. Pay attention to both the convenience of the IDE and the tools that go with it, and to reliability and security of the control programs created with the IDE.

3.2. Creating a Control Program

If you are planning to create your own scripts, take the time to study the documentation for the programming language and the IDE. Naturally, for an automated trading system to be expertly organized, the scripts should be written by qualified professionals in the field of programming and finance. In case you wish to use one of the classic programs, remember that most of them are of trial, demonstration nature. They are good for testing the automated trading system or to be used as a basis for your own programs, but as self-sustaining, ready-to-use solutions they are of little avail.

If you decide to use programs written by third-party developers, keep in mind that good solutions will have to be paid for. The cost of one innovative strategy varies between $300 and $500, but the price for fine-tuned strategies that use advanced mathematical and economic techniques and especially for winners and runners-up of automated trading championships may exceed $1,000.

3.3. Testing Scripts

When using an automated trading system, always test your scripts. The procedure can be as follows:

1. Test the program in a script tester (if such facility is available in your IDE) several times, varying the chart period, the instrument being traded, and the program settings. Try to model the conditions close to the actual state of the market.

2. Test the script in a demo account (if such an opportunity is available). At this stage, it is important to let the program run for a sufficiently long time (it is defined by the period of the chart). Do not stop the test if the program has at once produced a big gain or a big loss. The usefulness of the script can only be estimated after it has worked for a significant amount of time.

3. Run the script in the live account. At this stage, it is not advisable to interfere with the script-for example, close the positions it has opened or modify their settings-or you can upset the internal logic of the program.

3.4. How Not to Fall Prey to Tricks When Choosing a Script

Remember that there are no absolutely perfect advisers. So, do not let them sell you the Brooklyn Bridge-if you had a system that brings in fabulous profits, would you sell it? There is only one advice-a rigorous comprehensive testing will help you get the right impression about the script offered.

Usually, script vendors describe their products with the results of their own testing. In most cases, however, such results are very slanted. Remember that testing should always be performed on several histories, or you can simply adjust to one history fragment and show sky-high results. Based on the NFL theorem, it is fair to say that it is impossible to create a script that would the best of all those existing, in all instruments.

Some professional programmers use sophisticated mathematical tools to endow their programs with artificial intelligence-neural networks, forecasting and evolutionary algorithms are no longer surprising. I would not recommend overestimating such systems-complex forecasting algorithms are very sensitive to errors and parameter settings, while simple schemes are not of much help to the advisor when it comes to generating trade signals, and can only be used to raise the price of the script.

4. Conclusion

In this article, I neither discuss any programming rules for creating the advisors, nor the specifics of writing scripts in a particular language. On these subjects, there are whole books written as well as a number of articles. My aim was to present several points which I think to be quite important but which have not been sufficiently covered in existing publications.

So, are automated trading systems your ally or enemy? When used carefully and without hasty judgments, an automated trading system can facilitate the financial expert's work and bring in certain profits. But when used incorrectly, incompletely tested, or having settings changed frequently, the automated trading system can lose the money you entrust to it.

Remember that an automated trading system is not going to do your job for you without any effort on your part. Use it to solve your existing problems and not add new ones.

5. References

1. MetaQuotes — developer of MetaTrader, MQL2 and MQL4

2. TradeStation — developers of TradeStation and EasyLanguage

3. PFSoft — developers of ProTraderFX, ProTrader2 and ProTraderLanguage

by Nikita Laukhin

Automated Trading and Scripts Analyst of PFSoft Company.

Hedging is defined as holding two or more positions at the same time, where the purpose is to offset the losses in the first position by the gains received from the other position.

Usual hedging is to open a position for a currency A, then opening a reverse for this position on the same currency A. This type of hedging protects the trader from getting a margin call, as the second position will gain if the first loses, and vice versa.

However, traders developed more hedging techniques in order to try to benefit form hedging and make profits instead of just to offset losses.

In this page, we will discuss, some of the hedging techniques.

1. 100% Hedging.

This technique is the safest ever, and the most profitable of all hedging techniques while keeping minimal risks. This technique uses the arbitrage of interest rates (roll over rates) between brokers. In this type of hedging you will need to use two brokers. One broker which pays or charges interest at end of day, and the other should not charge or pay interest. However, in such cases the trader should try to maximize your profits, or in other words to benefit the utmost of this type of hedging.

The main idea about this type of hedging is to open a position of currency X at a broker which will pay you a high interest for every night the position is carried, and to open a reverse of that position for the same currency X with the broker that does not charge interest for carrying the trade. This way you will gain the interest or rollover that is credited to your account.

However there are many factors that you should take into consideration.

a. The currency to use. The best pair to use is the GBPJPY, because at the time of writing this article, the interest credited to your account will be 24 usd for every 1 regular long lot you have. However you should check with your broker because each broker credits a different amount. The range can be from $10 to $26.

b. The interest free broker. This is the hardest part. Before you open your account with such a broker, you should check the following: i. Does the broker allow opening the position for an unlimited time? ii. Does the broker charge commissions?

Some brokers charge $5 flat every night for each lot held, this is a good thing, although it seems not. Because, when the broker charges you money for keeping your position, the your broker will likely let you hold your position indefinitely.

c. Equity of your account. Hedging requires lots of money. For example, if you want to use the GBPJPY, you will need 20,000USD in each account. This is very necessary because the max monthly range for GBPJPY in the last few years was 2000 pips. You do not want one of your accounts to get a margin call. Do not forget that when you open your 2 positions at the 2 brokers, you will pay the spread, which is around 16 pips together. If you are using 1 regular lot, then this is around 145 usd. So you will enter the trades, losing 145 usd. So you will need the first 6 days just to cover the spread cost. Thus if you get a margin call again, you will need to close your other position, and then transfer money to your other account, and then re-open the positions. Every time this happens, you will lose 145 usd!

It is very important not to get a margin call. This can be maintained by a large equity, or a fast efficient way to transfer money between brokers.

d. Money management. One of the best ways to manage such an account is to monthly withdraw profits and balancing your positions. This can be done by withdrawing the excess from one account, take out the profits, and depositing the excess into the losing account to balance them. However, this can be costly. You should also check with your broker if he allows withdrawals while your position is still open. One efficient way of doing this is using the brokerage service withdrawals which is provided by third party companies.

by Yannis Karamanakis



I am Joe Chalhoub, a computer engineer, Forex trader and strategy builder. I began trading currencies 3 years ago. The first 3 months trading were complete failure, I remember I lost all my money and I was about to quit, but I couldn't, I felt if I quit now maybe I am missing the chance of having my own business. So I stopped trading and began observing, studying, analyzing and practicing.

Observing: I began observing the market, what causes movement, reaction, ranging and trading.

Analyzing: I began working with technical and fundamental analysis; how each analysis can predict and redirect the market and how I can use them both for my own benefit. I will talk about these analyses in the following paragraph.

Reading: I bought Forex Trading Books and read them, books explaining different strategies and tactics used by experienced traders.

Practicing: I created free accounts and began trading virtually and each technique I invent I tried it and monitored its performance and validity.

After one year of studies, analysis and practicing trading techniques and after many failure and frustration I reached my own strategy and it is working very well and each month my profit is positive.


I reached my targets and I built a successful strategy, but that's not enough; to make profit I must not miss any opportunity and forex market is full of opportunities because it is the most active market in the world, for that reason I must sit all time and watch and detect opportunities all day long from Monday to Friday.

How to resolve this problem, I can't sit and observe the market hours and hours, I have my career and my family, so I thought I must program my strategy, let the Information Technology do the hard work for me, and nobody is discipline as a software, so I created an artificial intelligent software which collects data from the market and implement my strategy on this data and detect opportunities 24/24.

This program analyses fundamental and technical data and generates forex signals which are forwarded automatically to my broker platform where the signals are executed automatically and forwarded also to my website members. All this is done without my interfering, I just run the program, it analyses and makes its decisions (Buying, Selling or stay aside).

How to succeed in Forex Trading

Five over hundred traders succeed in this business, what differentiate those five successful from the 95 others is one thing, it is the HARD WORK. Forex trading is not an easy business, and who tells you that he can make you rich in one night is one of those 95. Only one thing can make you a successful trader, HARD WORK, and nothing else. Don't rely on other traders or advisors to help you, rely and have confidence on yourself.

Don't begin trading quickly, the forex market will not go anywhere, it will stay forever, give yourself 6 to 12 months of studies, analysis, readings, practice and build your own strategy before begin real trading, it will take a lot of time and dedication but at the end you will reach your target.


I will not reveal my full strategy but I will reveal some techniques I use which help traders in their trades.

My strategy follows the following tips and techniques:

1 — Discipline: Put criteria for your trades, watch the market and only trade when criteria are met, if they are not met do not trade. My program is the most disciplined trader, it takes care of all of this, it monitors the market and only trade if only criteria are met, and the second advantage of this is the elimination of the fear factor, it enters a trade when it sees it is good to enter and fear nothing.

2 — Money management: It's the main key for good trading, I exit all trades and stop trading for a specific day if I lost -60 pips, in the other hand I put stop loss for my trades if I reached +25 pips profit, in that case profit will not get under +25 pips and it has open target, and all I have to do is go out and have fun.

3 — No trades for now: The most important thing in trading is sometime not to trade, I take this decision after looking to my charts and see that there is not enough volatility or there is no enough reports will be released for today and it is better to wait until market is more volatile. I advise traders not to trade during the first days of the month, personally I begin trading at the first Friday of the month when the "NonFarm payroll" report will be released.

4 — Analysis: I use fundamental and technical analysis while trading. Fundamental defines the trend of the market and the technical analysis is used after the definition of the trend. I trade the news by analyzing programmatically the released data for a specific report and generate signals which are executed immediately on the trading platform and forwarded simultaneously to my members.

Fundamental and technical analysis must be used together, if one is used without the other this will lead to failure.

5 — Technical indicators: In the forex market there is a lot of indicators which are used by many traders. I use ADX, Bollinger Bands to identify trends and volatility; RSI to identify an over bought or sold and Moving Average to identify a signal. And the most important technique is FIBONACCI, I advise traders to implement this technique and use it to confirm trades.

Finally, I must say that Forex is not easy, and many times we feel that someone is doing a conspiracy on us to take our money, but the truth is nothing is impossible, and others successful traders are not more intelligent than us and they are not genius from other planet, the fact is the more you work the more you become closer to become good trader. Do not quit quickly because this business deserves hard work and dedication.

By Joe Chalhoub

About the author:

Address: Lebanon, Beirut

Website: http://www.rpchost.com

Email: webmaster@rpchost.com

Bio: http://www.rpchost.com/profile.aspx

Scalping the forex market is something that all new traders aspire to do. It is however not easy and requires allot of concentration and discipline.

Once you decide on a set you are going to use you will need to spend a few months religiously for a couple of hours a day trading on demo until you get to know your setup and a feel for scalping it.

A popular way to scalp the forex on M1 charts is to use hull moving averages. Plot the following WMA's (Weighted Moving Averages) on your chart: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 240. Now set price to a line on Average or, if you don't have that, set it to line on Close. Set all the WMA's to one color that is different to price.

This will create a pretty chart. Using these WMA's you can easily see the strength of a trend, you will notice that price tends to retrace back and forth from the moving averages.

What we are looking for is resistance in a up trend or support in a down trend in the form of double top or something similar. Once you find this area wait for a convincing break of it following the trend and then enter to scalp part of the move.

This method takes practice, don't expect to be able to pull it off straight away, open a demo account with a broker that offers spreads of a pip or less and trade every day at the same time for at least two months. I guarantee you will see great improvements as you become familiar with the setup and the flow of the market.

I have seen the hedged grid system been used successfully (and highly unsuccessfully) over the last few years. Unfortunately the failures tend to discourage traders from taking advantage of this great system. I have found that the failures are mainly due to ignorance, impatience and greed (common reasons for trading failure).

In a nutshell the grid system uses the following methodology. You start by buying and selling a currency. When the price moves a predetermined distance (grid leg) you cash in the positive leg, leave the negative leg and buy and sell again. Sooner or later the system goes positive and you would then cash in when it is positive.

This is a brief summary of the content of our free hedged grid trading course available on expert-4x.com. Please refer to this course for more details of how money is made. The attraction is that the system is reasonably mechanical, can be programmed and does not take much supervision as exclusively entry orders are used.

Money is made when the price retraces 100%, 50%, 33% at various levels. This starts looking like a strategy that supports the Fibonacci concept. The grid system is also based on the nature of the market to trade sideways 80% of the time and to trend 20% of the time.

The dangers are that what if the price does not retrace and continues to trend. The Grid system can not make money in a trending market — full stop. One has to realize that. You therefore need Strategies to minimize damage during these periods:-

Firstly I have found that the biggest mistake made by traders is that they select a very small grid leg sizes e.g. 20 to 30 pips. This is a recipe for disaster. The trick is to use big leg sizes between 150 and 300 pips. What this does is that it sometimes turns a trending phase into movement in a sideways market. I would typically use 300 pips for the GBPJPY and 150 pips for the EURUSD for instance.

Secondly there is no rule that says that the legs have to be the same size. So I change my leg sizes in trending markets to be even bigger. If I started with 150 for the 1st leg I would go to 200 for the 2nd leg and 250 for the 3rd leg etc. This makes sure that I am carrying less loss making transactions in a trend.

Thirdly — sometimes it is wise to increase the number of lots with the trend compared to the numbers against the trend in a good trend. However be aware of having the same number of sell and buy transactions. All you will have done was lock in your current status in a 100% hedge.

Fourthly — This is the biggest change and most important one that I personally have made in my grid trading strategy. Always cash in all your transactions when your system is positive and when the price reaches the end of one of your grid legs. By cashing in you are reducing the risk of carrying negative lots in a trending market. This also gives you an opportunity to re-assess the market conditions.

Fifthly:- Cash in a start again is always an option. One of my strategies is to cash in all my open positions when the 3rd leg of my grid is reached and start again. Experience has taught me that this is a short term pain that goes away very quickly and is soon forgotten.

People that have traded the grid system will immediately see how the above approaches will reduce the risks of exponential losses building up in a strongly trending market. Please feel free to contact Mary McArthur at marymcarthur@expert4x.com for clarification on any items discussed above. She has numerous examples of successful applications of grid trading

This article is part of a series and many more will follow on Grid trading, money management and Forex Trading Strategies.

by Mary McArthur

Mary McArthur (marymacarthur@expert4x.com) is an Expert4x trader. As an expert, she authored a free hedged grid trading course on www.expert4x.com.

This article is one of a series which looks at the advantages and weaknesses of trading using the hedged, grid trading system to trade volatile markets.

We will look at how money can be made by breaking a number of trading truths or principles; * cut your losses and let your profit run and * there is nothing to gained by entering into buy and sell deals at the same time.

The hedged grid trading system uses the principle that one should be able to cash in at a gain no matter which way the market moves. No stops are therefore required at all. The only way this is logically possible is that one would have a buy and sell active at the same time. Most traders will say that that is trading suicide but let's take some to look at this more closely.

Let's say that a trader enters the market with a buy and sell active when a currency is at a level of say 100. The price then moves to 200. The buy will then be positive by 100 and the sell will be negative by 100. At this point we start breaking trading rules. We cash in our positive buy and the gain of 100 goes to our account. The sell is now carrying a loss of -100.

The grid system requires one to make sure that cash in on any movement in the market. To do this one would again enter into a buy and a sell transaction. Now, for convenience, let's assume that the price moves back to level 100.

The second sell has now gone positive by 100 and the second buy is carrying a loss of -100. According to the rules one would cash the sell in and another 100 will be added to your account. That brings the total cashed in at this point to 200.

Now the first sell that remained active has moved from level 200 where it was -100 to level 100 where it is now breaking even.

The 4 transactions added together now magically show a gain:- 1st buy cashed in +100, 2nd sell cashed in +100, 1st sell now breaking even and the 2nd buy is -100. This gives an overall a gain of 100 in total. We can liquidate all the transactions and have some champagne.

There are many, many other market movements that turn this strange "buy and sell at the same time" activity into gains. These will be covered in future articles and are covered in a free grid trading course which is available at the expert-4x.com website for those traders whose curiosity has been aroused.

by Mary McArthur

Mary McArthur (marymacarthur@expert4x.com) is an Expert4x trader. As an expert, she authored a free hedged grid trading course on www.expert4x.com.
So, you now have a trading system. You devised it, you tested it and you are already using it to trade the market. You may have automated it or you may still have to put your buy and sell orders manually, but for the moment, you really have nothing much to do apart from following your system with ironclad self-discipline. The question is: Now what do you do?

If you are one of those traders who reached this stage, the chances are you may have spent your last few months or years arriving at your system and now that you have it, you have spare time. With this spare time, you may find yourself watching the market day in and day out.

The danger with doing this is that you create opportunities to feel emotional about every single one of your trades and this may lead to undoing the results of your hard work. You begin to feel elated when you are making money and you might start breaking your rules. Conversely, you may feel down when you are losing money and you start doubting your system and thus, begin disobeying your trading rules. The problem might be that you have a good system and you are simply not giving it enough time for it to work.

If you think this is happening to you, consider that it might be best that you only watch the market when your trading system requires you to. You should also consider other ways in which you can best fill your spare time to serve your need to work, find your purpose and create a meaningful life. You must have other interests and ambitions.

Personally, I have always wanted to create a business that would serve the planet and millions of people so I can leave behind a legacy when I die. I know this sounds very grandiose but I know that you, the reader, also have similar aspirations deep inside. I know this because we are both human beings and human beings have the need for self-actualisation and self-transcendence (spiritual needs).

As a disciplined trader, you have many skills you can apply to business. You create systems, you are analytical, you are creative, you solve problems and you are results-oriented. These are all strengths that you can apply in the world of business. There are many opportunities out there for you to apply yourself and the lessons you learn from trading the financial markets.

by Marquez Comelab

Marquez Comelab is a private trader in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of The Part-Time Currency Trader, a book on how to develop trading strategies. He is also the founding editor of The Part-Time Investor Magazine: an online magazine for traders and investors. See http://www.marquezcomelab.com.

How can you increase the size of your Forex trading account and continue to make good profits from trading the Forex market? The following points will help prove this can be done.

The Forex market will move in one of three ways, up, down or sideways. Your challenge is to develop a strategy which covers all eventualities.

If you prefer to scalp for a few pips based on a higher value lot size and trading many times a day, then your Forex trading strategy will be developed to maximise this plan.

If you trade intra-day, then you might only place a handful of trades per day and look for a greater pip gain. This would mean a sideways moving market is not for you and you would make the decision not to trade.

With Forex trading, it is commonly agreed that knowing when not to trade is as important as knowing when to trade!

Go through the motions of building the foundations to your career. Paper trade first until you are consistently successful, comfortable and confident with your strategy. Use a Forex trading demo account next to get to know your Forex broker's trading platform which will be a great help when you start to trade a live account!

Do you know your risk to reward strategy?

This is the amount you are prepared to risk in order to make a gain and is typically based on a 3 to 1 ratio. So if your stop loss was 10 pips below your entry point for a long trade, you would expect your trade to achieve a minimum of 30 pips.

This takes care of the risk management of your trade but what about the risk to your Forex trading account? How can we best protect your hard earned money and trading capital?

Well, we look to use a similar ratio for this too. The thought process is not to risk more than 3 percent of your total Forex trading account size on each open position. So if you had $1000 in your trading account you would only risk a maximum of $30 on each trade. If your stop loss was 10 pips, that would mean you could trade at $3 per pip and if your stop loss was 15 pips your trade would be based on $2 per pip.

Can you see how this strategy means you will be in the market long enough (assuming you activate your stop loss) to learn about trading and how to make profits?

If you keep growing your Forex trading account size in this way, you will achieve a growing trading balance, whilst protecting your capital.

This way you will still be trading having kept your trading account in order - achieving more than 90 percent of all other traders! If you reach this stage, you would have done very well indeed!

So, with Forex trading, by knowing which way the market is moving, you can apply to right strategy to trade, or not. Once you have your trading plan written, you can start paper trading, progressing to opening a demo account with a good Forex broker and finally on to a live account. Make sure you understand the risk strategy and grow your trading account slowly.

This will ensure you build the foundations of your Forex trading account and be proud of what you have achieved!

By Annabel Meade

Thank-you for reading to the end. Did you find the article of use? It was written by Annabel Meade who is a successful Forex Trader and race cardriver. You can get free Forex training and pick up your first free gift over at Annabel's Forex Trading news and reviews blog.

Automated forex trading systems use the latest technology to simplify navigation of the forex market. These systems are made up of sophisticated computer software that uses mathematical algorithms to analyze the right times to buy and sell currency. These programs also make the process even easier by conducting the trades for you.

Trusting a machine to make choices when large sums of money are at stake may sound like a bad idea, but automated forex trading can actually work better than trading handled by a human. People frequently make mistakes such as math errors, misreading charts, or simply failing to look at all the factors involved.

Another common human complication comes from our susceptibility to emotions. Frequently people allow emotions to get in the way of their better judgment, and this can lead to lost money in the forex market. Using an automated forex trading system eliminates these problems and improves your results by keeping track of all the available data and making the best decisions. Online trading with a forex robot can streamline the entire trading process.

Automated forex trading systems don't come cheap. A broker will normally require that you put down at least several thousand dollars as an initial investment. Other additional fees are also possible. However, this extra cost can be easily made up for by the benefits of using an automated forex trading system.

Traditional trading methods require an individual to invest large amounts of time in studying the market, and training to make the best decisions. Automated training requires none of this since all the expertise is already written into the program. All that's required is that you know the very basics of the market so you know generally how the automated system is operating.

Companies that wish to break into the forex market will also find automated trading systems attractive. Since it requires a minimal investment of resources to get started, this can be a good choice for a company that wants to get into the forex market but doesn't have the personnel to handle this new endeavor. Having a computer system do the trading for you also saves money since an employee doesn't need to be trained and paid to trade.

One possible drawback of automated trading systems is their reliance on technical rather than fundamental analysis. The computer programs are only able to examine the performance of the market and general trends, not outside factors that may influence changes in the forex market. Political and social events that have a real effect on the forex market can not be analyzed by an automated forex trading system. However, this does not negate the positive effects of these systems since they have a proven track record of success.

by Erica Locke

When this information was helpful please check out my websites http://online-trading-with-forex-robot.weebly.com/ or http://online-trading-with-forex-robot.blogspot.com/

Swing trading in forex is a form of quick trading performed by investors aiming to maximize profits and minimize risks by making strategic trades that last from 3 to 30 days. This is a very popular style of trading among investors and day traders across the globe. Swing trading depends on short-term variations in the market, forcing traders to react to the changes in a rapid manner. This form of trading depends more on stress price patterns than actual value.

As a trader, you do not wait for currency prices to hit either high or bottom, but wait for short term fluctuations in the market. Swing trading is highly favored by day traders, rather than by large financial establishments or brokerage houses. Swing trading is most profitable when markets are stable.

Advantages of Swing Trading in Forex

The reason for swing trading in forex being popular is the many advantages it offers over other conventional forms of trading, like buy-and-hold investing and position trading. The returns tend to be higher for an average trader. You can, for instance, trade for a short while and pay your monthly bills. Swing trading is, however, subject to market fluctuations and conditions. Like all forms of trading, swing trading is susceptible to lean phases.

When executed properly, you will experience less risk as compared to other methodologies. Unlike conventional investors whose fortunes are tied to bulls and bears, swing traders are free to exit losing trades and step out. There is an exit strategy for swing traders. Another strategy for a swing trader is to short the market even when the market suffers a slowdown.

Swing traders can have a flexible schedule unlike most day traders. All you need is to do some market research after work, and place new trades the next morning when the markets open. This style of trading offers more attractive returns due to its less labor-intensive requirements. You also need not worry about:

* Scrutinizing financial statements like most investors
* Monitoring market crests and troughs like position traders
* See your profits vaporize before your eyes due to unfavorable market conditions
* Using complicated systems like other traders

Swing trading is popular because of the flexibilities it offers. In short, swing trading gives you the highest returns in the least amount of time.

by Kitz S

The Author Kitz by profession is a digital marketer. He finds his interest in Forex trading and writes for forex niche websites. According to him swing trading is an art that traders can usually master fairly easily. Visit www.forex-rateit.com to get up-to-date information on the forex market, including news, comprehensive fx broker reviews and educational articles.

Forex trading is a specialist job. It requires a good understanding of the market trends and forex news. However, the timing of entry and exit plays a crucial role in determining your profit levels. With free forex strategies, you can time your investments properly and ensure profitable trading.

Five Most Popular Free Forex Strategies

Here are some free forex strategies that will assist you in improving your chances of trading profitably:

Buying on margins: When buying on margins, the broker allows a higher degree of leverage to the trader. Thus, the trader can invest an amount higher than the actual value of his live trading account. However, the trader faces high risks, as profits are highly dependent on trading entry and exit. Only an experienced trader can make good profits while buying on margins.

Historical levels: It refers to the maximum and minimum range in which the value of a currency pair has fluctuated during a given period in time. Analyzing the level gives a general idea of the possible values of the currency in the near future. Analyzing historical values is a time taking task, but it is the safest strategy for novice traders. There is a very low probability of a currency value deviating from the historical levels without any major news outbreak.

Loss Order: With the stop loss order strategy, a trader determines the value of a currency pair in advance. This helps to minimize the risk of major losses and increases the possibility of trading profitably.

Managed accounts: This strategy is aimed at those individuals who want to invest in the currency market, rather than being interested in physical trading. Managed accounts work similar to the mutual funds arrangement. The individual invests money with a forex trading company. Experienced traders with the company use investors' money for forex trading. The profit generated or loss incurred is shared among the individual investors. Although managed accounts are not very profitable, they save investors' time and efforts required for trading profitably.

Simple Moving Average: Also known as SMA, it is the average exchange value for a specific pair of currency over a period of time. You can make investment decisions by relying on SMA values for any given currency. Investing in currencies that have stable SMA values is a safe way to trade forex.

by Kitz S

The Author Kitz by profession is a digital marketer. He finds his interest in Forex trading and writes for forex niche websites. Note: Free forex strategies do not guarantee financial returns. However, they provide a safe and secure passage to smart trading. To learn free forex strategies, you can visit http://forex-rateit.com/. Forex Rateit! is an online resource to educate users about the nuances of forex trading and it helps you with up-to-date information on the forex market, including news, comprehensive forex broker reviews and educational articles.

I have been trading for more than 15 years now.

When I first started, in 1994 as far as I remember, there wasn't a lot of softwares on the market and of course we didn't talk about forex yet.

But, "magic systems" were already spreading over the web. You were finding different kind of gurus selling their black box that only professionals use, of course, promising you a fortune in a matter of days or even hours...

One after the other, the gurus disappear leaving place to others.

Today, you can find thousand of "wonderful" systems if you type "trading system" on any search engine. You may read numerous articles promoting the success of such expert advisor or trading robot.

Speaking of robots, it's amazing how people believe in automatic trading. They think they can go to work in the morning, leaving behind them this wonderful robot catching pips on the forex market all alone. Have you been given the chance to get this ultimate trading system only used by banks or institutionals ? Just be patient, a smart guy will soon propose a good one, maybe the best.

I use an ironic tone on purpose because I am tired to see all this disillusion from people who still believe in Santa Claus. Get back on earth, my friends, there is no easy way to earn money on the financial markets. Most of the traders, living from their activities, won't share their work with you.

The good news is you can learn to trade by yourself. Today, you can get very good trading courses on the web, free or not. You have access to valuable ressources if you take the time to select websites.

Now, what are we supposed to do with all these trainings and advices, you might ask?

Well, if you want to be successfull in trading, whatever the market, you will have to learn to become a trader. You will have to develop your system, or trading approach, and adopt a good attitude through a back-tested money management (the one you feel confortable with and which works).

So, as a summary:

* learning the trading basics from books or online ressources (technical analysis etc.)
* develop you own trading system which could be as easy as efficient
* use a money management system which is a necessary condition to make your trading system profitable
* learn how to behave properly while trading (have you heard of the emotions control...)

When I use the word "system", I don't make reference to any automatic trading or robot. Besides the fact I can't stand automatic systems, it has been proven that systematic trading doesn't work on the long term.

Why is that ? We know that patterns always repeat themselves cycle after cycle so we could imagine a easy way to benefit from this repetition. The answer relies in the human being behavior on the market. Traders are filled with emotions like greed or fear. Even if most traders now recognize the usual patterns and knows how to follow a trends, most of the time they let themselves overwhelmed by emotions when the market doesn't react like it should...

That leads this question: why discretionary trading works?

Dicretionary approach consists in following a trading system (because you always need some king of system) through the human eye. A trader, controlling his emotions and analysing the market with objectivity, has the ability to understand the market crowd represented by all the traders. He will be able to understand the excesses and adjust his trading accordingly.

A robot will enter a position as soon as a resistance or support is broken or when a 38% fibonacci retracement has been reached etc. Of course a trader would initially adjust his robot parameters according to his strategy but he won't be able to "play" new market conditions for exemple.

The market likes to defeat all automatic systems which tend to setup logical stop losses and profit targets. Have you ever seen the wonderful spikes on the forex market, in particular after news releases...

A discretionary approach will never prevent you from losses. Any trader will suffer from losses. It is part of the activity. If you don't want to loose, you should try no-risk investments offering 2-3% a year.

But at least, you will always control what you are doing, knowing exactly what the market is leading and if this is a good moment to enter a position or not.

You have obviously a set of rules, explaining the "when & how" you enter a position, but you may adjust your strategy according to certain market conditions.

Be careful though. You need to stick to the plan you implemented when developing your trading system and money management. It's a very important aspect of the trading. But once again, there is no automatic entry position. For the exits, it's a bit different because you can set a profit target in advance and exit the position automatically. You developp this aspect in your money management rules.

I hope I gave you the desire to become a real trader using a discretionary approach, far from automatic systems which definitly don't work. Trading can be fascinating if you give yourself the means to do it properly.

by Sebastien Duval

Sebastien Duval is a trader specialized in forex. He is a partner of the website where he proposes swing trading signals.

Currency trading is an exciting new market for ambitious individuals who would like to test their skills in a truly competitive environment with potentially very significant rewards. It is not simple to become proficient in forex, you need to commit some time, and make some effort in learning about and practicing trading, before you achieve results that are favorable to any degree. This fact sometimes scares potential traders to such an extent that they choose not to entertain the idea of currency trading at all, due to time limits, and the constraints of offline life. In this article, we are going to take a look at the plausibility of a part-time forex trading experience for the average person.

Perhaps the most exciting feature of the forex trading experience is the almost unlimited degree of flexibility involved. The fractal nature of charts means that, ignoring broker costs, trading at long or short term is essentially the same business from the technical point of view. The fundamental point of view, on the other hand, implies that it is possible to apply entirely different methods as a long or short term trader.

Thus one can be a part-time forex trader on both a long term and a short term basis, but with different options available, and differing approaches being necessary. A part-time short term trader must follow a purely technical approach and apply money management methods with rigor and discipline. In this case the time of entry does not matter that much, but we strongly advise that periods of high volatility be avoided unless one has an ample amount of time available to be devoted to the absorbtion of the steady stream of news flooding the market. As such, the part time trader would probably thrive when the market is calmer, trading is subdued, and technical factors dominate, a scenario that is most often encountered towards the closing hours of the market.

A long term part-time trader, on the other hand, must choose the time for entry into the market very carefully. Since a position held on the long term requires strong conviction and analysis, it is crucial that a period of deep and thorough analysis precede the actual trading action. The advantage of fundamental, long-term trading is in its greater potential for very significant rewards, and also for reduced risk, contrary to common assumptions. A long trader must use low leverage since he is going to keep his position dormant for a long time, and to have it survive volatility, high or even moderately high leverage has to be avoided, which makes potential losses smaller, provided that clear criteria exist for the closing of a position.

It is not really possible to decide which firm is more suitable to a part-time trading experience merely by reading online forex broker reviews and going through ratings. You need to go and test the firm actively for a period. The part-time trader demands a high degree of accuracy and reliability from the broker because he can't afford to see his trading platform fail during the comparatively infrequent periods when he's online. So make your choices wisely; but part-time trading is indeed a workable approach with some practice.

By Carl Hayes

Most people who want to establish a financially-secure future choose to invest or trade in real estate. Indeed, if you take a look at the list of names of the wealthiest people in any category, most of them have allocated major portions of their assets in real estate. Donald Trump, who made his fortune in real estate is very popular and his success story is an inspiration to all of us.

Books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad , by Robert Kiyosaki and other property investing books written in the last fifteen years, introduced the average person to real estate investing. Thanks to these books, many people have opened their minds to new possibilities which they can now envision for themselves.

This article will not dispute the validity and the wisdom of investing in real estate. However, it might not be the best option for everybody. Each of us has different limitations and our circumstances vary. At the start -- for most of us -- we have to choose which area to specialise in since there is only so much money to go around. What I can do, is to at least highlight a few aspects of trading and investing in both areas. I then leave it to you to decide what you would like to focus on.

I should let you know that I have not yet invested in real estate myself, but I have considered it and I have asked myself the same questions you might be asking yourself now. I have read a lot on the subject matter and my assessment is purely based from my readings. Individuals using real-estate as their vehicle to create wealth may have different perspectives and I strongly advise you to seek their counsel to gain a more balanced outlook on this issue.


If you like the idea of buying property to receive rent revenue, then the real estate market maybe better for you. You can structure your properties and contractual agreements to maximise the passive income you get from your tenants.

However, if you prefer to buy a property mainly because you think you can resell it at a higher price later, then you want to make money mainly from capital gains. If this is your philosophy, then forex could be a better trading vehicle for you than real estate because exchange rates fluctuate faster than real estate prices. Furthermore, transactions are easier and they are instantaneous to complete.


To buy real estate, you need have at least 10% of the acquisition cost of the property, if your bank is willing to lend you the other 90%. If the house costs $350,000, you will need to cough up $35,000. That is a year's gross income for many people.

If you want to start trading forex, most brokers allow you to open a trading account for just $200. With $50, you can trade 10,000 units of a currency, if you have a margin ratio of 200:1.


Whenever you want to buy or sell currencies, there is always someone willing to buy from - or sell to - you at the most competitive price. The forex market is the biggest market in the world and if you have hundreds of thousands of dollars you want to exchange for another currency, you can do so within a couple of seconds. To buy or sell a house or an apartment, you expect to wait for weeks, if not months.


In the real estate market, one house is not the same as another. Each property is unique. One might have a better foundation, a worse design or a prettier garden than another. Knowledge of these strengths and weaknesses become a significant factor if you are to make money from a transaction. Therefore, if you enjoy or if you are good at selling, promoting, negotiating and bargaining based on these differences, the real estate market is for you. Further, your lawyers, accountants, advisers, real estate agents and consultants play a significant role in your success.

If you want to trade currencies, there is no need to negotiate the price with the other party. If you are a seller, there is no need to educate potential buyers as to the benefits of your product. If you are buying, you have piece of mind that you are getting the best possible price for the currency from your broker at that particular point in time.


Buying and selling real estate is much more expensive than buying and selling currencies.


When you have a property and you suspect that its price will go down in the future, your options are limited: hang on to the property or sell it now. In forex, if you suspect that a particular currency will depreciate in value, then you can exchange it for another currency. You buy it back again after it has already reduced in value to realise your gain.


In real estate you are dealing directly with the other party, taking on the other side of the transaction. This is why you need to go through a lot of paperwork and consult your lawyers to ensure that you know about the options available to you when the other party fails to fulfil his or her end of the bargain.

In forex, you do not have to worry about whether a buyer or a seller is going to fulfil his or her end of the bargain for whatever reason, because you are not directly dealing with that particular person. You are dealing with the broker who ensures that somebody will always take the other side of your trade.


The forex market is open 24 hours a day. You do not have to meet the buyers or sellers in person. You do not have to conduct meetings with lawyers, accountant, bank representatives and so on. You can buy and sell currencies in your pyjamas at midnight if you like and the transaction will be complete before you go back to bed.


All in all, if you are an investor looking to make money from a combination of rent revenue and capital gains, you may want to invest in real estate for the long-term. If you are a trader wanting to profit purely on capital gains, then trading forex is probably better for you than trading real estate because you can start with a small fund and your rate of return is limited only by your ability to trade well. The transactions are mediated, it is more convenient and transaction costs are a lot smaller. The market is also more efficient due to product homogeneity and liquidity. Lastly, there are opportunities to profit regardless if the prices are going up or down.

I believe that if done right, neither venture is more or less riskier than the other. The risks are up to you to manage. With this article, I hope I helped you make a decision appropriate to your circumstances.

About The Author:

Marquez Comelab is the author of the book: The Part-Time Currency Trader. It is a guide for men and women interested in trading currencies in the forex market. It details analyses, tools, indicators, trading systems, strategies, discipline and psychology. See: http://marquezcomelab.com.

In order to be rich and make loads of money with forex, it is a must for anyone who is serious to have accurate knowledge with the trade. Sure there is no need for any diploma in trading Forex, but in order to succeed, investing time and effort to learn profitably is a dogma.

Lately people have been buzzing about how a great income potential is forex. Getting tired of a monotonous life in the corporate world, there will come a time that people want to be free from all and have a rich lifestyle, to work from home and enjoy the greater things in life. Indeed Forex is a serious consideration and worth inveting on.

Before Forex was not accesible to anybody. But thanks to the modernization and internet, everybody has the fighting chance to get rich and be merry.

Yes Forex has low cost to operate, lower cost to start, very abundant information resources, flexible trading hours and very high income potential, everybody can get started in Forex in one way or another.

It is one thing to start trading and being profitable Forex trader is different. In order to become profitable in every trade, you will find it imperative to invest some time in learning courses and practicing in a demo account rather than saving all the pain of losses. Concepts such as Moving Averages, Fibonacci levels, Bollinger Bands, etc; are the basic knowledge every trader must have.

But having a good knowledge of these concepts is not everything you need. Fear is your worst enemy. To become a profitable trader, one thing that can free you of this fear is education. As you learn in the ways of the trade, you will find yourself more confident to what trading plans you have. You have to understand that there will be losses and it has happend to the richest traders today. If you truly understand that, there is no way that you can get poor in Forex.

You want to change the way you live for the better? A profitable forex trader must be ready with education and psychological preparation. This is the only way to make the market work in your favor.

Invest in learning Forex. You'll be glad you did.

by Ryan Joseph Ferrer

#1 Forex Study Course


Forex trading should be considered by anyone looking to start their own home based business. In this article, we will define Forex trading; explain its advantages over other business opportunities and discuss some pitfalls to avoid.

What is Forex trading?

"Forex" is short for "foreign exchange", and refers to the trading of monetary currencies.

Many people don't realize that currencies are traded, similar to stock trading. Since the value of each nation's currency is constantly fluctuating in relationship to other currencies, there are opportunities for you to profit.

Advantages of Forex trading as a home-based business.

There are several advantages of Forex trading including:

- You can adapt your participation to your own schedule

The Forex market is open for trading 24 hours per day, Monday through Friday, unlike the stock market or any other business in which you must work around "business hours". With Forex trading, you can work in the middle of the night if you want.

- Large marketplace

Forex trading is the largest marketplace in the world. It shadows all other markets, even the stock market. That means there is opportunity for anyone to participate. The daily trading volume is nearly 4 trillion dollars!

- Low barrier to entry

It takes less than $100 to get started Forex trading. If you can scrape together that amount of cash, even if it takes a garage sale or selling some of your extra stuff on eBay or Craigslist, you can jump into Forex trading.

Some pitfalls to watch out for.

Be aware of these potential problems if you decide to enter the Forex market:

- Investing decisions based on emotion rather than logic

As with any type of investing, it's very easy to get caught up in the prospect of making big money. Place some limits on yourself so that you don't use money you need for living expenses.

- Investing without a solid knowledge of the playing field

No serious athlete would step out onto the baseball diamond or basketball court without thoroughly understanding the "rules of the game", and neither should you venture into any type of investing without the same level of understanding.

- Trading too frequently

Although there are no "commissions" when trading Forex, you will be responsible to pay the "spread", which is the variance between the ask price and the bid price. If you do very many trades, these "spreads" can really add up. Just make sure you understand the cost of your trades before you make them.


Forex can be an ideal avenue for you to make extra money, or even as a foundation for a home-based business. It is wide open for anyone: you don't need to have any specific credentials or background. Why not take a share of this market today?

by Garry Williams

Fully Automated Trading
The Forex market offers the trader numerous opportunities and can be very profitable to trade and also very exciting. The most important Forex market is the spot market as it has very large volume. The market is called the spot market because trades are settled immediately, or "on the spot".

With Forex trading there are also considerable risk factors. It is seriously crucial that you fully understand the implications of margin trading and the particular pitfalls and opportunities that foreign exchange trading offers. There are unique benefits to trading the Forex market, but you need to understand exactly how each trade you enter works. In other words, why you are entering into a trade, and being able to keep a calm easy mind. Fear and greed are, without a doubt, the enemies of the successful Forex trader.

There are two common methods or techniques of trading the Forex market. Firstly, technical analysis focuses on price patterns and uses charting to distinguish them. Technical analysis focuses on price action and market behavior. With the use of various indicators, you will be able to recognize and combine pattern recognision with your favorite indicator for confirmation to take a trade. It is not necessary to use a large variety of indicators, usually 2-3 are quite adequate, especially if you are combining indicators with price patterns.

The indicators are available on most trading software, and all calculations are done automatically within the software. The problem with trading indicators only is that, firstly they are lagging price, and then you are only looking at the right side of your chart, waiting to see what will happen. What about the left side, or the side of your chart that is telling you what has already happened? This is a very important aspect of trading, I call this the bigger picture. A good chart is priceless if it helps to identify a great opportunity.

Momentum analysis is a measure of the change in Forex trading trends over a certain period of time. Certain momentum indicators will show if a currency is overbought or oversold, and these are common and very useful tools for technical analysis.

The second - fundamental analysis - regards price behavior as a product of economic and political events. Fundamental analysis involves the use of economic data, critical political decisions or the different social issues that influence prices. Interst and employment are major economic data that could move the market substantially.

Fundamental trading is a very effective way to forecast economic conditions, but not necessarily exact market prices.

Don't fill your mind with too much information, the best way to trade is the simple way. However, it is very important to understand fundamental and technical analysis in order to use them for your forex trading.

by Linda Wainman

Linda Wainman is the author of the book, Keeping it Simple.


Purchasers of the book (only $19) will also receive free daily forex signals until the end of the year.

Free Forex practice accounts are a service that are loved by some yet hated by others, why is this so? Surely a free practice account can be nothing but a good thing?

Not exactly so, it does have its benefits but also has it's pitfalls, in this article we will examine the pros and cons of such an account.

Lets start off by looking at the practice account. For those who may not be aware, the free practice account does exactly what it says on the tin, it lets you practice Forex trading for free, sounds great for a newbie trader and in many ways it is.

The brokers who offer a free forex practice account do so to help get people interested in Forex, nothing wrong with that since they exist to expand the number of traders in the market and on their platform. It's also a great way for the new trader to begin to learn Forex trading.

Currency trading is no simple click and go experience, several brokers have introduced no frills platforms with low minimum deposits to get the virgin trader started and one or two have taken it a step further and allowed people to open a free practice account where you can begin trading with make-believe money until you have the confidence and knowledge to risk your own hard-earned cash.

That's were the main pro of the practice account lies, in being able to learn the Forex market and key functions of trade without risking a penny! However, this is not always good news.

When trading with 'virtual' money suddenly the risk becomes less, in fact risk is non-existent as you have an endless stream of make-believe money this means you may be more likely to risk on trades you know you shouldn't and wouldn't make in the real world. This can lull you in to a false sense of security.

Lets say you make en extravagant risk with practice money and it comes off, so you make another big risk and that comes off too, all of a sudden your confidence is up and you feel you can start playing with your own money and taking uncalculated risks.

The Forex market has suddenly become very very appealing, if you can make this much money in the practice area imagine how well off you would be if you were using real money? This is where things go wrong, you then go ahead and open a real Forex account and deposit your own cash.

Your confidence is up and you feel like you know what you are doing. You make a risky trade with your own cash and it fails, suddenly your Forex career is over and you are sat looking at a significant loss, it seems when its your own 'real' money the practice you got with virtual cash counted for nothing.

Of course if you take things slowly and carefully you can avoid this and become a successful trader, but you have to have that self control. Practice accounts are very useful, but only if you carry out trades exactly as you would if it was real money. Never make a trade in a practice account that you wouldn't make with your own cash!

To help get around this several brokers now offer mini-accounts with deposits as low as $25. This is virtually a practice account anyway with such low deposits, however, its still your own cash so you are more likely to make realistic trades and not risk big time trades.

At Investawise we feel this is the best option, sure use a free practice account for a week or two while you learn the basics of Forex trading, but then open an account and start with low funds, never jump both feet first into currency trading, success comes from patience, awareness, and discipline.

by Paul Bryan

The presented article is intended for those who just turned their eyes toward Forex. Beginning traders who are still learning the basics of the foreign exchange market may also find something of interest here. While experienced traders won't gain anything worth their time reading this article.

Basically there are 4 steps which can be defined as "must do" for those who wish to start trading Forex. Though, their order is not particularly important, the more important part is their content, to which the great attention and responsibility must be paid.

First step is finding a right Forex broker which will be your main tool in trading. You can have a great strategy, good technical analysis skills or an outstanding intuition but you will eventually fail if you choose a bad broker. A good Forex broker is one that will not still your money, will be doing real trading with your positions, supports your preferred deposit/withdraw methods and has fast and helpful user support service. It is nice if a broker is registered with some sort of governmental financial commission. One of the most important aspects of the broker is it's trading platform — but for a new trader this part is not so important as for expert traders. Still you'll probably want to trade with some powerful and informative platform as a MetaTrader or its analogs. For new traders the more important is a demo account which can be used to trade virtual money while you are training your Forex skills. If you are new trader, start only with the demo account! Don't lose your money on your first mistakes!

Second step is learning the basics of Forex trading. If you already found your Forex broker, you will easily get all information from its website or user support. There are many articles and websites dedicated to Forex basics in the World Wide Web. All you need to do is just google for "forex trading basics" and you'll find everything you wanted and even more. This step shouldn't be underestimated, because trying to trade without even understanding how the market works is not only very risky, it will also become boring very soon.

Third step is about education. Forex trading education is not similar to any other education you probably have got in your life. Forex market is very chaotic, so is the education — there are no fixed rules and all time laws, it is unstable and dynamical. So, to be on the top you must learn new things about Forex regularly and constantly. Try to read as many books, articles other traders' opinions as you can. The more you learn, the more educated you will be. And with good Forex education you will be able to create very sophisticated and effective trading strategies.

Fourth step is a final one; at least I consider it to be a final one. To achieve the successful results in the Forex market you need to develop your own strategies. While you are learning you'll be satisfied with known strategies and probably even Forex signals. But true goal which leads to successful Forex trading is to develop your own strategies. Not one strategy, but to follow the market day by day, developing new strategies and improving those which began to fail. And this comes not only to the trading strategy (this part is obvious), but also to the money management strategy (this part is often underestimated). While you gain experience in trading you'll inevitably build such strategies that will fit your trading style, you character and your life as best as they can. And after that, trading will become a real pleasure, which will eventually lead to your financial freedom.

by Andrey Moraru



Trading is a skill that takes time to learn. Think of it like Boxing it's also a skill that takes time to learn. If you get into a professional boxing ring without any training, you'll get beat up physically! If you get into the Forex ring without any training, you'll get beat up financially!

The similarities are that both the examples are Skills, and both require psychological preparation. The difference is that one is physical and the other is financial.

We can get over a physical beating usually in a few days or weeks, BUT a financial beating can be devastating and easily affect us for the rest of our lives, not only does it hurt our hip pocket but it can cause problems with our relationships and family. So when we get into the Forex ring we have to be prepared.

The Professional Boxer

When a professional boxer gets in the ring he has already been practicing in a safe environment usually for years, this safe environment is where he can make mistakes without having medical treatment. He can also spar with other opponents that have more skills and experience then he does and he learns from them. He also has someone there to watch him and give advice and guidance. Then when he is ready, he gets into the ring and boxes for real, he's accepted the risk and KNOWS that he can get hurt, but he's also studied his opponent and done his home work, so he KNOWS he has a good chance. He can still lose this round but if he wins most of them he will take the money home. BUT! What about the psychological side? Does he fear getting into the ring? Sometimes! But he's aware of it and he can control how it affects him in a way that is beneficial. Will he be thinking about the money he'll make? Or will he be thinking about the fight as is happens and planning his next moves during the breaks? He'll be analyzing the results from the previous rounds and making changes in his strategy for the next round.

The professional Trader

Can you see what's coming next? If so than, you've learnt to analyze what you read and form a projection into the future. (A very valuable skill for the FOREX Trader) A forex trader, like the professional boxer, will not get into the Forex trading ring without being prepared first. He might not spend years practicing in the Demonstration Account, but he will at least have spent a month or two or three, sparing with the Forex Market in a safe environment that he won't get beat up in. He'll practice trading forex against all the other traders and learn from them, and he'll also have someone watching him and giving advice, and guidance. Then when he is ready, he'll get into the Forex trading ring and trade forex for real, he's accepted the risk and KNOWS that he can get hurt, but he's also studied the Forex market and done his home work, so he KNOWS he has a good chance. He can still lose on this trade but if he wins most of the trades he will take the money home. BUT! What about the psychological side? Does he fear getting into the forex trading ring? Sometimes! But he's aware of this fear, but he can control how it affects him, in a way that is beneficial to his forex trading. Will he be thinking about the money he'll make? Or will he be thinking about the things that are influencing the market as is happens and planning his next trades while he waits for the results? He'll be analyzing the results from the previous trades and making changes in his strategy or continuing with the one that's working, and planning for the next Forex Trade.

So it's easy to see that trading with a Forex Trading Demonstration account is something everyone should do before getting into a live Forex Trading account.

The practice account will give the trader MOST of the skills necessary, to be able to trade profitably, giving them the training ring to spar in.


Like the Boxer the Forex trader has learnt to manage his emotions, this is often overlooked by new Forex Traders. BUT is probably what separates the successful investor from the ones that keep getting beat up! If you are considering getting into the Forex trading Ring, then be sure to practice first, and find all the information you can about controlling your emotions. Fear, greed, impatience, are the main culprits of financial bashings, so keep an eye out for them, and learn how to beat them before you get in the ring with them. Understanding these emotions will enable you to use them to your advantage in understanding the market, the market is influence by these emotions and if you understand them you can have them on your side, thus giving you an advantage.

by Bill Boyd
